"I am one with the force, the force is with me." ~ Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

Sunday 11 May 2014

Neighbors movie review

Article by Gabe Zia

Lazy Film Critic reviews...
So Neighbors is a comedy film starring Seth Rogen, Zac Efron, Rose Byrne, Dave Franco, and is directed by Nicholas Stoller (who also directed Forgetting Sarah Marshall). The film is about this couple played by Seth Rogen and Rose Byrne, who start to have a problem with their neighbours. Particularly the fact that their neighbours are a fraternity, which causes some issues for them. The two houses start a rivalry, and shenanigans ensue.
I gotta say, I really liked this film. First off, the comedy is really well done. I totally went into this film expecting nothing but fart jokes, dick jokes, stuff like that. And though that is a source of the humour, it's not all the humour in the film. The films main source of humour is the great chemistry between the characters. Seth Rogen and Rose Byrne both have great chemistry as a couple, Seth Rogen and Zac Efron have hilarious chemistry together in some of the scenes. Even the scenes in the fraternity had really funny moments.
The actors in this movie didn't just rely on chemistry for the comedy, though. All the actors in this movie were really funny, especially Rose Byrne and Zac Efron. These two really show some incredible comedic talent with this film. Rose Byrne has done some comedy before this film, mainly Bridesmaids. However, she was supposed to be a very unlikable character in Bridesmaids, but here she's both very likable and absolutely hilarious. As for Zac Efron, let me put it like this. With actors who start their rise to fame at a young age (particularly disney stars), their career usually will crash and burn within a few years. But with this film, I feel pretty certain Zac Efron will not be one of those people. For one, the dude showed some pretty good chops with this film. He was very likable when the film called for it, but also douchey when the film called for it. And it never felt jumbled and convoluted, it worked really well.
Usually with comedy films like these, they usually suffer from a few issues. Mainly, carrying on the jokes for too long. With This is the End, I sometimes felt the joke was being dragged out too much. Just to be clear, I'm not talking about running jokes, those are different. I'm talking about specific joke scenes in which the joke was dragged out a little bit too long, and it makes the joke not funny anymore. That never happened with this film. I never felt like the writer was keeping a scene going for longer than it needed to be, it was all very tight and well done.
However, that's not to say that this film is perfect. Mainly, there were some very unrealistic characters in places of power in this movie. Be it the cop character from the trailer, or the dean of the university (played by Lisa Kudrow), these characters were just too douchey for me to possibly believe they got to that seat of power. They were funny, I'm not saying it wasn't funny, but I'm saying it was very unrealistic, and took me out of the film a little bit. But those are very minor gripes, nothing crippling to the film by any stretch of the imagination.

Final Rating
Neighbors is a hilarious, very well written, and very well executed comedy. The actors in it do a great job with the script, and film doesn't drag out any scene for too long, or even the movie. The movie wasn't dragged out longer than I felt was necessary. I have a few very minor gripes with the film, but that didn't stop the film from being a very enjoyable comedy.

Neighbors: 4/5

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