"I am one with the force, the force is with me." ~ Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

Tuesday, 3 January 2017

Best of TV in 2016

Article by Gabe Zia
So, while I'm taking some time to have my "year in review month", due to 2017 being a month of absolutely nothing happening in film, tv, or gaming (the three things I talk about on this blog), I'm taking the time today to talk about the best things that happened in the realm of TV last year. The two sections I'll be looking at are the best individual episodes and best new TV shows.

Black Mirror - "San Junipero"
I have to say, it was an extremely tough call between this and the undeniably epic Game of Thrones episode, "Battle of Bastards". However, when it came down to it, I figured that between the two of them, the criminally underrated anthology series was the one I thought deserved the most attention and exposure. Black Mirror (for those unaware) is an anthology series similar to The Twilight Zone where every episode is a brand new original story, with the focus each time on stories about social media and/or technology and how they can go horribly wrong under the right circumstances. However, San Junipero was a change in pace from what fans have come to expect, and it was more than a welcome one. San Junipero is a prime example of TV storytelling, both a visually and poetically beautiful story that manages to still have the things fans know and love about Black Mirror but without the grim endings the episodes seem to always have. Between all the episodes I considered for Best TV episode of 2016, it's the one I've recommended the most to people and rewatched the most amount of times, so for that reason it just made sense for me to pick it as my favorite TV episode of 2016.

Honorable Mentions
- Westworld - "The Original"
- Westworld - "The Bicameral Mind"
- Black Mirror - "Hated in the Nation"
- Black Mirror - "Nosedive"
- Game of Thrones - "Battle of Bastards"
- Game of Thrones - "Winds of Winter"

This was another sticky decision for me to make, between this and the 80's Nostalgia ride Stranger Things, I was completely torn. However, when it came down to it, Westworld was the show I felt was most deserving to be talked about. Right from the get-go, Westworld establishes itself as something very different from the Television norm. Unlike shows like The Leftovers or Lost, when Westworld throws a twist or a mystery at its audience it actually makes sense, and by the end of even just the first season I didn't feel dissatisfied, or like there even really needed to be a Season 2. To me, the mark of a perfect TV season is that I should not feel the inherent need for a second season, and that's what happened with Westworld. Of course, I can't wait for Season 2 because this show is absolutely incredible, with impeccable storytelling, clever character writing, sharp sleek visuals, and and outstanding score. It's the best new Tv show of 2016, and probably the best show for many years to come.

Honorable Mentions
- Stranger Things
- Preacher
- Designated Survivor 
- The Crown

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