"I am one with the force, the force is with me." ~ Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

Sunday 27 April 2014

Best & Worst of Jamie Foxx

Article by Gabe Zia
This weekend, we've got a film with a lot of people in it, and that film is The Amazing Spider-Man 2. Now, of the cast of people in this film, I could've gone with Chris Cooper, I could've gone with Sally Fields, but I instead chose to go with Jamie Foxx, who plays the villain Electro.
I would make an Eiffel 65 joke, but that would be stupid and not funny.
He's a very prolific actor, he's become very popular very recently, so why shouldn't I talk about his films? Speaking of his recent spike in popularity, for his best film, I'm gonna go with Django Unchained.
Goddamn, I love Tarantino films. They're always filled with great lines, great characters, and awesome amounts of ultraviolence. And those three things are very prominent in Django Unchained, along with some amazing performances by Christoph Waltz, Leonardo Dicaprio, Samuel L. Jackson, & Jamie Foxx. When Tarantino said he was doing a western, I was skeptical at first, but I ended up loving this film.

For the worst Jamie Foxx film, I'm going to go with a film I know some of you guys might like but I seriously hate- White House Down.
I know to some people this movie was alright, or at least not terrible, but I could not stand this movie. Granted, I think Jamie Foxx is a really cool actor, but he couldn't save this film from being incredibly boring and incredibly cheesy. I never thought those two would ever mix, but low and behold, they did. This film takes around 40 minutes to get started, and then it takes 10 minute breaks between the action. Let me just give you some advice, if you're ever thinking of watching White House Down, just watch Olympus has Fallen, it's way more entertaining.

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