"I am one with the force, the force is with me." ~ Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

Wednesday 16 April 2014

Top 10 Creative Films

Film is, at it's core, an art form. Like other art forms, there are tons of variables as to what makes it good, but the only thing that's really consistent is creativity. The more creative art is, the higher quality it has. So, I'm going to talk about the Top 10 Most Creative Ideas in Film.

10. The Terminator
Basic premise: An action film with a robot trying to kill the main character.

What makes it creative: In the future, man is at war with robots. This robot was sent back in time, from the future, to kill Sarah Conner, because her son will lead the humans in this war. This creates for an out-of-the-box style of direction, and lots of unpredictability.

9. Fargo
Basic premise: A cop is trying to find a kidnapped woman.

What makes it creative: The film is set in Fargo, which leads to the characters in the film acting like they're from Fargo. Which, in turn, leads to them all having Fargo accents & a Fargo lifestyle. And while the premise itself isn't that unique, the way the film plays out is.

8. Her
Basic premise: A depressed writer starts an unconventional relationship.

What makes it creative: By unconventional, I mean It's an AI. This film centers around a guy and the AI that runs his phone & computer falling in love, which is completely unseen or unheard of. So unheard of, that (and I have tested this) anyone who hasn't seen the film mocks its premise, and it's only when they actually see the movie that thy get an appreciation for it.

7. Donnie Darko
Basic premise: A lonely teen starts a new relationship with a socially perplexed girl, and deals with problems in his life.

What makes it creative: Did I mention there's time travel? Because there's totally time travel. The film follows a teenager who finds out that some crazy event in time centres completely around him. This will lead to crazy & seemingly meaningless events showing their significance, & how dramatically his life is changed by those events.

6. Moon
Basic premise: A guy is in space.

What makes it creative: There's two of him. A man, named Sam Bell has been working on the moon for nearly 3 full years of his life. But, the situation completely loses control when on a seemingly routine checkup, he finds an injured & dying Sam Bell. How do you think up something like that?

5. Brick
Basic premise: A socially impaired teenager tries to solve out a mystery at his high school.

What makes it creative: That mystery is murder. Particularly the murder of the main characters girlfriend. And it's not even the only dark murder in this supposed high school film, it's the first of many. Who in their right mind takes "high school film" and comes out with "violent thriller"?

4. Groundhog Day
Basic premise: A man discovers himself on Groundhog Day

What makes it creative: The only reason he does that is because by some supernatural occurrence, he's repeating the same day, over and over.

3. Memento
Basic premise: A man with short term memory loss seeks revenge on the man who raped and murdered his wife.

What makes it creative: Incase that premise wasn't enough, the film is told in reverse. They show the scenes in order from what would be the ending to the beginning, and that may seem weird enough, but the way it plays into his short term memory loss is genius.

2. The Cabin in the Woods
Basic premise: A bunch of young adults go to a cabin in the middle of the woods, and are attacked by killers.

What makes it creative: Half of the film is shown through the perspective of the young adults, but another half shows these two government scientists, who are organizing the whole event. The film uses that feature to play into common horror movie cliches, and deconstructs why people love horror films.

1. Being John Malkovich
Basic premise: A man finds a portal in his office into some elses mind for 15 minute and is then teleported onto the New Jersey turnpike.

What makes it creative: That wasn't enough? Well, the portal only leads to one persons mind. Particularly, the mind of John Malkovich (who plays himself in this movie). As the film goes on, more mysterious things about this portal become known. That's all I'm going to say about it, I seriously recommend you go watch it.

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