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Sunday, 26 October 2014

Fury movie review

Article by Gabe Zia

Lazy Film Critic reviews....
Fury is a World War II set drama following a tank crew during the later years of World War II. The film is directed by David Ayer, who also directed End of Watch, and wrote Training Day. The film stars Logan Lerman as a gunner who joins the crew, and Brad Pitt as the leader of the crew. The rest of the crew is played by Michael Peña, John Bernthal, & Shia LaBeouf.
Logan Lerman in Fury
David Ayer is still in his first few films as a director, having only done this, End of Watch, and a few others. And regardless of how much I enjoyed End of Watch, Fury is absolutely his best film so-far. First off, the entire cast of this movie does a pretty good job. Logan Lerman is taking a big leap as an actor here, going from mostly young adult oriented roles, to now a gritty and dark role. Brad Pitt also does a really good job and plays his role in a really convincing way. John Bernthal, Shia LaBeouf, and Michael Peña also do a really good job, even if their characters were jerks at times.
Logan Lerman and Brad Pitt in Fury
However, that doesn't exactly mean this film is for everybody, in fact that couldn't be farther from the truth. This film is incredibly dark and really violent. You know that first 30 minutes of Saving Private Ryan where it's brutally violent and incredibly dark, to the point where it's downright unsettling to your core? Well take that and make that an entire movie, and you've got Fury. Almost every scene has something dark, gorey, or just uncomfortable to watch happening in it. It's well made, and it's still a good movie, I'm just saying don't take your kids to this movie.
Logan Lerman and Shia LaBeouf in Fury
What I really enjoyed about Fury was all the tank stuff in it. Most of the film is shown inside the tank, and it has really realistic tank warfare. I know nothing about tank warfare, but all the different mechanics and systems shown in a tank in Fury felt really real, and showed that David Ayer probably did a lot of research prior to doing this film on the exacts of tanks, and the exacts on how a tank crew would operate inside a tank. I like seeing a director do research on this stuff, and in Fury it seriously shows.

Final Rating
Fury is a dark, violent, gritty, and at times downright unsettling movie. However, it's still well acted and the director manages to execute a well told story with well developed characters. I'd say if you liked Saving Private Ryan, Platoon, The Thin Red Line, or pretty much most war movies, go check out Fury.
Fury: 4.5/5

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