"I am one with the force, the force is with me." ~ Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

Saturday 24 May 2014

X-Men: Days of Future Past movie review

Article by Gabe Zia

Lazy Film Critic reviews...
X-men: Days of Future Past is the fourth film in the main X-Men series, and the seventh film overall (man, that is a lot). This film, unlike pretty much the rest of the series, follows both the old cast and the new cast. That meaning, it follows both the cast from the main X-Men plotline, and the cast from X-Men: First Class.
James Mcavoy & Michael Fassbender
Now, there is a lot to talk about with this film. Firstly, I think the actors in the movie did a really good job. Hugh Jackman returns as Wolverine again, and to my surprise, he wasn't really the main character of the film. Not that Hugh Jackman isn't great as Wolverine, the dude kicks as in the role, but it's refreshing to see him in a supporting role. James Mcavoy and Michael Fassbender were really the leads in the film, and they bring both the awesome portrayals as these characters form First Class and then some. Especially Mcavoy, in my opinion he gave the best performance in the film.
Hugh Jackman and the returning bone claws
For me, Bryan Singer is pretty much the definitive X-Men director. As much as I loved Matthew Vaughns direction of First Class, watching this film gave me a bit of a throwback to the first two X-Men films. Singer seems to have a sense of engrained knowledge about the X-Men world and universe, and it certainly shows in the film. Both with the visual and narrative style, this feels more like an X-Men film than any X-Men film to come out since X2.
Peter Dinklage
My gripes with the film are few and little. The biggest one (not that big, but I still feel the need to adress it) was Peter Dinklages villain, Bolivar Trask. Not that Dinklage himself was bad in the film, he was actually fantastic in the film. The whole film it's apparent that he hates mutants, he wants them dead. But, the reason behind this is never really made clear, you don't know what his motivation is. You could assume certain things, but those are just theories. However, it's still totally awesome that Peter Dinklage is playing a role based on a character who, in the source material, wasn't a midget.

Final Rating
X-Men Days of Future Past is one of the best X-Men films so-far. My personal favourite one is still First Class, but this is definitely up there. The acting is great, the story is interesting, and Bryan Singers direction is, once again, awesome. This is one of my favourite films of the year so-far, if you're an X-Men fan or have seen the previous films, I seriously recommend you go see it. Oh, and stay for the post-credits scene, it's definitely worth the wait.

X-Men Days of Future Past: 4.6/5

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