"I am one with the force, the force is with me." ~ Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

Sunday 3 August 2014

Guardians of the Galaxy movie review

Article by Gabe Zia

Lazy Film Critic reviews...
Guardians of the Galaxy is the latest marvel film, based on the comic book series of the same name. The film follows an outlaw named Starlord, who comes across various other outlaws who form a team (shockingly enough) called the Guardians of the Galaxy. The film sports a huge cast, with Chris Pratt, Zoe Saldana, Dave Bautista, Bradley Cooper, Vin Deisel, Lee Pace, Karen Gillan, Michael Rooker, Glenn Close, John C. Rielly, and Benicio Del Toro.
Gamora, Rocket, Starlord, Groot, and Drax
Now, going into this film, I had almost no idea what to expect from the film. I knew it was a Marvel film, but I knew that it wasn't a typical marvel film. This is a pretty big change for marvel, and the style of the film is unique and kind of refreshing to see from Marvel. To me, this film is like Firefly, Star Wars, and Indiana Jones all rolled into one film. As a fan of all three of those things, plus Marvel and science fiction in general, that isn't exactly a combination I'm about to turn down.
Well, that pretty much confirms it. Marvel has a thing for hammers.
The characters in the film are absolutely its strongest suit, with most of them being fleshed out and well developed. Chris Pratt plays Starlord, a Han Solo-type character, witty but also tough when he needed to be. Zoe Saldana plays Gamora, and to me she was the most interesting of the characters in the film. She had a really cool backstory, one that I hope they put more emphasis on in the sequel. Groot (Deisel) and Drax (Bautista) were less developed and overall less interesting, but they served as good enough supporting characters. Lee Pace played Ronan, the villain, and he was probably the weakest character in the film. Not that he was a particularly bad villain, he was unlikable when he needed to be, but (and this has been my problem with most villains since Loki), it's not Loki.
Okay, is it just me or does Benicio Del Toro kind of look like Mugatu from Zoolander?
However, there is one character, who I haven't mentioned yet, and that is Rocket, played by Bradley Cooper. Now, Rocket was the biggest source of skepticism for me, because he's a talking Racoon. That could be incredibly ridiculous, and could even be the Jar Jar of this movie. However, he isn't the Jar Jar of this movie. He's the Tom Hiddleston as Loki of this movie. Every single line this guy had was pure gold, he always had something very clever and witty to say for every situation, and even managed to make something as outlandish as a talking racoon seem beleivable.
Geez, where's a weighted bag of sand when you need one?
When it comes to pop culture references in a marvel movie, this one definetly takes the cake. 80's and 70's pop culture references specifically, they are all over the place here. Be it Starlord listening to a walkman the whole time, the entire soundtrack being composed of 70s and early 80s songs, or any of the 80s movie references Starlord makes, this movie is just full of 80s. Bill & Ted fans will definetly like this movie, I can guarantee that much.

Final Rating
Guardians of the Galaxy is a hilarious and action packed movie, with some great characters and awesome pop culture references. Some of the characters could have been more developed, and the story was a little weak, but those are minor gripes. If you're a fan of science fiction (mainly Firefly and Star Wars) definetly check out this movie.

Guardians of the Galaxy: 4.3/5

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