"I am one with the force, the force is with me." ~ Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

Saturday 27 September 2014

A Walk Among the Tombstones movie review

Article by Gabe Zia

Lazy Film Critic Reviews....
A Walk Among the Tombstones is a crime thriller, starring Liam Neeson and Dan Stevens, as is directed by Scott Frank, who also directed a ridiculously underrated film called "The Lookout". The film is based on a book of the same name by Lawrence Block. The film follows a retired cop turned private detective who takes a case on a kidnapping turned murder.
Liam Neeson as Matt Scudder
What I liked a lot about this film was that I never felt like it jumped the shark. It never at any point in time got too convoluted with its mystery element, which isn't exactly uncommon, but still worth noting. That's not to say the writers went with this film at a minimalist aspect, this film takes some severe twists and turns with its plot, which keeps it interesting. The film is nearly two hours long and has a plot consisting of three days, so they had to drag out a lot of the scenes. Usually, this results in a film being boring or clustered with filler, and while A Walk Among the Tombstones has some of that, it's still compelling and an interesting story.
Dan Stevens as Kenny
The acting in A Walk Among the Tombstones is definitely one of its more discussion worthy aspects. Liam Neeson is good as he usually is, however, he didn't bring anything special to the role, and it kinda seemed like a lot of actors could've played the role and been just as good. However, there are two performances here which stood out above the rest, which were Dan Stevens and Boyd Holbrook. Boyd Holbrook played almost this Jesse Pinkman type character, just without anything that happens after season 2 of Breaking Bad, and I think he did a good job of doing it. Dan Stevens also did a good job here, even if he seemed kinda nuts at times, you can tell that was the point, and he plays it well.
Boyd Holbrook in A Walk Among the Tombstones
The highlight of this film by far is its cinematography. This film sports fantastic cinematography. From the lighting, to the angles, to the way the shots have been set up, you can see the sheer amount of effort that was put into filming this movie. There's also a lot of creativity in the way this film is shot, with the way some scenes are filmed being so unique, you don't think a lot of people would have thought of that as well.

Final Rating
A Walk Among the Tombstones is a dark, and engaging thriller, featuring some strong performances and fantastic cinematography. If you're looking for a compelling story with mostly good performances, and a sense of realism, I'd say go watch A Walk Among the Tombstones, because it's certainly worth your time.

A Walk Among the Tombstones: 3.9/5

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