"I am one with the force, the force is with me." ~ Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

Tuesday 23 September 2014

Top 10 Things I want in Agents of Shield Season 2

Article by Gabe Zia
With the second season of Agents of Shield starting tonight (as of posting this), I've decided to take a look at some stuff I want to see happen in this season. Also, I haven't done a top 10 list in a while, so why not this? These are the Top 10 Things I want in Agents of Shield Season 2.

[Warning: This List Contains Spoilers Regarding Agents of Shield S1]

#10: Guardians of the Galaxy Reference
Guardians of the Galaxy was awesome. Easily one of the best films of the year. I know that the whole thing about it being set in space kind of takes away any hope of Star Lord or Groot showing up in the show, but I don't even need a cameo, really. I just need something to happen - I don't even care what it is - that references Guardians of the Galaxy. It could be anything as simple as "Hooked on a Feeling" playing on a radio, and I will be satisfied.

#9: More Cameos
Some of my favorite parts of season 1 were the various cameos. Be it Cobie Smulders, to Samuel L. Jackson, these were some of the more unexpected and pleasantly surprising parts of season 1. Even in the procedural episodes, which there were admittedly a lot of. (I'll get to that later.)

#8: New Characters
If there's one thing I like about Joss Whedon shows (mainly Buffy because that's the only one that lasted more than two seasons) is that every season there was a new character added to the pile. Even better was that it never felt crowded, despite all these cool characters being added to the mix.

#7: No More Grant Ward
When I said "spoiler alert" at the top, this was the section I meant. It's also the first one so-far with any real specifics. That only specific being that I don't want Grant Ward to be on the show anymore. I mean, the guy's a total villain. And not in the same way Spike or Loki are villains but you still love them, no this guys just a straight up jerk. Not to mention, he works for hydra - a nazi group - which by proxy basically makes him a nazi. Is there any better reason to boot a character off the show for good?

#6: Joss Whedon Style Character Death

[I couldn't find a picture for this one that wouldn't spoil Firefly or Buffy]

Joss Whedon shows always have one thing in common, and that thing is horrible painful character death that leaves you mourning a fictional character for a week, but it somehow makes the show even better and you can't stop watching (Anyone who's watched a Joss Whedon show will know exactly what I'm talking about). So-far there hasn't been any of that yet, which isn't surprising seeing as how the show is only in its second season, but I think it should happen sometime during season 2.

#5: More Coulson-isms
The big thing this show kind of hinged on was the fact that Phil Coulson was totally awesome in the Avengers movies, being a totally unique and surprisingly quirky character. This was why we lost our mind when he died, and we lost our mind again when he came back. However, his Coulson-isms only made an appearance once or twice per episode. All I'm saying is that there should be more. Like in Firefly, it would be a total downer if Mal only got a little sarcastic once an episode.

#4: Build Up to The Avengers: Age of Ultron
This is pretty basic. The show will probably run until May, so all I'm saying is that the end of Agents of Shield season 2 should run directly into Avengers: Age of Ultron, much like how the last bit of season 1 ran directly with Captain America: The Winter Soldier. I think the last half of the show should have something that plays into Avengers: Age of Ultron in some way.

#3: More Story Based Episodes / Beef up the Weekly Episodes
As much as I liked season 1, it suffered from a big problem, which was that it seemed like a total procedural. Granted, most Whedon shows are, but I felt the procedural episodes here to be a bit weak. Really, FZZT, Repairs, and Yes Men were the only ones I remembered once the story started to kick in. What made Buffy so good was how it managed to blend the story based stuff with new stories every week. So what I'm saying is either have more of season 2 be about one story, or make the non-story based episodes a little stronger.

#2: Avengers
This was the main selling point for season 1, and they sort of capitalized on it, but I'm hoping they do that more with season 2. Basically, I want the Avengers to show up. Not just as cameos, but like how Sif was in Yes Men for the whole episode. I want more of that, I want Iron Man to show up, I want Thor to show up. Hell, Hulk and Hawkeye haven't had any standalone movies, or even roles in standalone movies, give them a role in this!

#1: Nathan Fillion, Alan Tudyk, Sarah Michelle Gellar or Other Whedon Favorites
Let it Happen
This honestly has absolutely nothing to do with Agents of Shield, this is just kind of a Whedon thing. So far, on the list of Whedon favorites we've had Ron Glass show up, we've had Amy Acker show up, we've had Enver Gjokaj show up, and we've had Alexis Denisov show up (he was the creepy alien dude in Avengers). However, of those four, only two of them were on Agents of Shield. All I'm saying is I want more of this. Have Nathan Fillion, Alan Tudyk, or Sarah Michelle Gellar show up (even if it's just a one-off), and I'll be satisfied.

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