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Sunday 20 July 2014

Best & Worst of Robin Wright

Article by Gabe Zia
So, this week, we've got a few movies coming out, some of which I want to see, others I don't want to see. The big two films are Lucy and A Most Wanted Man. Lucy stars Morgan Freeman and Scarlett Johansson, who I've already talked about, so I'm going to look at the second film, which stars some of my all-time favourites, including Philip Seymour Hoffman, Willem Dafoe, and Robin Wright.
Robin Wright and Philip Seymour Hoffman in A Most Wanted Man
Wright has shown immense talent with her films, and recently has shown she can hold her own with tv with House of Cards. If you know what some of her films are, or even are farmiliar with her as an actress, you can probably already guess what my pick for best is. One of the biggest cult hits ever, The Princess Bride.
Robin Wright and Cary Elwes in The Princess Bride
I think this is an example of a perfect film, I can't say anything bad about this film, and its got so much great things going for it. The entire cast does a fantastic job, especially Robin Wright and Mandy Patinkin. It also helps that it's insanely quotable, I don't think this film has even a few short moments without someone saying something funny or witty. The jokes about the fantasy elements have some of the best examples of satire I've ever seen. It's just a great movie, seemingly without flaw.

Picking a worst for Robin Wright was difficult, seeing as how I can't think of any films she's done that are terrible or even that bad off the top of my head. So then I did a quick google search, and was reminded of just how utterly forgettable A Christmas Carol is.
Not a distinctly bad film just... uncomfortable to watch characters that look like this.
Like I said, this film isn't even that bad, in fact it has its moments where it's alright. But those don't outweigh the creepy and unsettling nature of this film. Films like Beowolf, The Polar Express, and Mars Needs Moms are all films movie fans generally don't talk about. And this film, while showing some steps forward, is another big step backwards. I think hollywood as a whole just needs to stop doing these kinds of movies, it was a cool idea back with polar express, but we quickly realized how unsettling fully cgi'd people are.

A Most Wanted Man hits theatres this friday.

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