Lazy Film Critc reviews...
The Raid 2 is an Indonesian action film from earlier this year, starring Iko Uwias as Rama, the returning protagonist from the first film. However, where the first film was set in one isolated building, creating a claustrophobic tone, this one is set in an entire city, with a longer overarching plot. So, the big question here is, can a film like this work the way the first one did, or will it fall flat? Well, time to see.
Julie Estelle in The Raid 2 |
What the first one did really well, I found, was capturing both great action as well as good dramatic elements and solid performances. And I find that the same goes this film, and even more so. With the film centering around an overarching story rather than an isolated event, it allows the film to show more heart and emotion, which I find the actors convey really well. Granted, like the first one, some of the performances can be a little cheesy at times, but for the most part the actors are pretty solid.
Alex Abbad in The Raid 2 |
Iko Uwias and Cecep Arif Rahman in The Raid 2 |
Final Rating
The Raid 2 is an enjoyable, and entertaining action film. Although it's not as great as the first one was, this is still a damn good movie, with some fantastic shots, and great visuals. The fight sequences are still stunning, and even more creative. If you're a fan of action films, or a fan of the first one, I'd say check it out.
The Raid 2: 4/5
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