Lazy Film Critic Movie Reviews
Ouija: Origin of Evil

Ouija: Origin of Evil is a prequel to the 2014 disaster of a movie Ouija, a film that is one of my worst-reviewed films on the site. So, needless to say, when I heard there was a sequel my immediate reaction was a lot of aggravated distressed groaning. However, when I found out Mike Flanagan was directing it, my hopes were perked up. With two great horror films on his belt (Oculus and Hush), I thought things were looking up for this movie.

Okay so with Mike Flanagan at the helm, obviously this movie has a bit of a leg up on the previous film. How much? Well, in terms of performances and story, a lot actually. For a series to go from a convoluted and self-contradictory plot featuring lazy & underhanded performances, to an interesting and thought out story with some strong performances is usually completely unheard of, but this film actually does it, and I was really happy with that part.

What has always made a Mike Flanagan film stand out from the rest so-far in his career is his outstanding editing. If this guy never wins a best editing oscar I'm going to lose my mind, his films are the most well editing, and creatively cut together that exist right now, even outside of the horror genre. And this film is no exception, using camera tricks like focus and framing or the way the film cuts and transitions to create illusion is outstanding.

However, as much as this film is much better than the first Ouija film, there's some things you just can't escape when it comes to mainstream horror. This film has significantly more jump-scares and cheap scares than any of Flanagans other films, and while Flanagan does his best to avoid it, it still happens and it happens a lot. It really bogs down the movie as a whole, to see a movie with such potential to be flooded with the same generic horror tropes and cheap scares we're more than used to by now.
Final Rating
I'm still excited for Geralds Game and Before I Wake, so yes, this film hans't put a damper on my opinion of him as a director. Sure, it may be rife with Hollywood generic horror cheap thrills, it as more than enough of Flanagans particular siganture to make it enjoyable. If you really want to go see it, I wouldn't be opposed.
I'm still excited for Geralds Game and Before I Wake, so yes, this film hans't put a damper on my opinion of him as a director. Sure, it may be rife with Hollywood generic horror cheap thrills, it as more than enough of Flanagans particular siganture to make it enjoyable. If you really want to go see it, I wouldn't be opposed.
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